Virgil Van Dijk
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Center-back Virgil Van Dijk is a professional football player who competes for Liverpool and the Netherlands National Team.

Virgil Van Dijk is well-known throughout the world for his leadership, strength, and aerial prowess. Keep reading if you also want the Virgil fitness and diet plan because he is so outstanding and inspires many players.

Virgil Van Dijk Body Stats

Height 6 ft 4 inch
Weight 92 kg
Age 30 years
Chest 44 inch
Waist 32-34 inch
Biceps 15 inch

Routine For Virgil Van Dijk’s Workouts

One of the most well-known members of the Liverpool team is Virgil. Virgil Dijk is well renowned for his talents, but he also serves as a source of inspiration for many people. Continue reading if you’re interested in finding out more about Virgil Dijk’s regimen and how he stays in such good shape. I’ll go over everything Virgil Dijk concentrates on to achieve that level of athleticism and fitness.

One of the team’s cornerstones in defending Liverpool is Virgil Dijk. Therefore, his workout is mainly focused on increasing his strength and improving his tackling and passing techniques. To stop and pass the ball to his teammates is the responsibility of Virgil Dijk. Now, to see what kind of training he engages in, I discovered this video from the Liverpool club from last year, which includes Virgil Dijk. You can watch Virgil Dijk working out in that video.

Virgil Van Dijk concentrates a lot on his lower body and legs. In the gym, Virgil Dijk performs a lot of complex workouts in addition to a few solitary ones. He was shown in that video merely working out his legs, which is what most football players in training camp do. The legs need to be strengthened more than anything else. Virgil Dijk does, however, incorporate additional exercises that will aid in strengthening and toning his upper body.

In addition to lifting weights, Virgil Dijk engages in numerous cardio exercises and workouts to increase his stamina and endurance. Before engaging in any gym exercises, Virgil Dijk will perform tackling drills, agility drills, shooting drills, practice games, etc. You’ll need to work out how to train like Virgil Dijk on the pitch with a coach. I don’t know enough about football to instruct you in any drills, let alone one for a defender. To get your field ready, we’ll still perform the five-day cardio and gym regimen.

Workouts for Virgil Dijk include:


We will perform a variety of cardio regimens that incorporate several workouts and exercises. Football players must perform aerobic exercises every day since their legs must adjust to the impact. Your legs experience impact every minute you’re on the field for 90 minutes. To start you off on that footballer physique and fitness, we will be incorporating a lot of aerobic exercises.

Treadmill Exercise

  • 5-minute warm-up on the treadmill
  • 20 minutes on a treadmill at an inclination of 5% and a speed of 8–10 kph
  • 5 minutes of treadmill rest


  • Air Bike for 20 minutes

machine for rowing

10 Seconds Of Rowing

  • Sprints of 5 minutes in the rowing boat (100meters)

Sprints HIIT

  • 12–15 sprints of 100 meters on a level surface (30 seconds rest maximum in between each sprint)
  • Take a two-minute break.
  • 15-20 jump ropes for one minute (30 seconds rest maximum in between each set)

Bodybuilding And Conditioning

Virgil Van Dijk
Virgil Van Dijk Workout Routine, Diet Plan, Exercise, Body Measurements

Virgil Van Dijk works out frequently to improve his strength and conditioning, focusing on strengthening his legs and core. While I can’t exactly describe his plan to you, I would say that it is primarily based on lifting three days per week and doing rigorous plyometric and core exercises on the other two days. You may strengthen your lower body by performing plyometric exercises, and we’ll also include lifting activities.

Sets: 4-5

Reps: 8-10 (explosive and heavyweight reps)


  • explosive push-ups on an angle
  • muscular or explosive pull-ups
  • Adjustable bench press
  • crossover cables
  • Pressing landmines
  • Weighted squats
  • explosive deep barbell hack squats
  • split squats in Bulgaria
  • raising calves

Wednesday And Tuesday

  • Quick steps to vertical leaps
  • Squat to slam the med ball.
  • Box-jumps
  • Jump humps
  • Jump lateral hurdles
  • Crunches
  • Russian-style medicine ball
  • Raising a dangling leg
  • V-ups
  • A plank hold
  • lateral plank hold


  • shoulder press with a landmine
  • Side raises
  • swinging a kettlebell
  • Straight jerks
  • squats with a goblet on a stability ball
  • a variant of the squat
  • Deadlifts using stiff-leg dumbbells
  • Leg curls
  • Calf lifts while seated


  • Snatch
  • Pull-ups in CrossFit
  • tosses a medium ball to leaps
  • Slammed med balls
  • triceps extension to bicep curls
  • bang curls
  • Leg elongation
  • Leg lift
  • Lunges
  • Deadlifts

The Virgil van exercise program is complete.

The Virgil Van Dijk Diet

Virgil Dijk does practice a healthy diet, however, I couldn’t uncover much information about his food plan in the diet. eating a varied diet that includes poultry, vegetables, good carbs, etc. There has been speculation about the team requesting Virgil Dijk to go on a diet; he does have a nutritionist and regularly has his diet reviewed and altered. Virgil Dijk, who is renowned for being huge, muscular, and more robust, didn’t require a diet to be slender. Let’s now look at a diet that you can adopt, inspired by Virgil Van Dijk;

Virgil Dijk eats the following foods:

Virgil van Dijk: Vegan or not?

Virgil Van Dijk is not vegan, so no.


  • Eggs
  • Avocado toast
  • Turkey bacon
  • Fruits


  • Protein smoothie


  • Chicken breast
  • Veggies
  • Brown rice

Evening Snacks

  • Fruits or nuts


  • Fish
  • Salad
  • Veggies

That’s all for the Virgil Dijk diet plan.