Caffeine addiction

Tea and coffee are two beverages that help many people to go on in the day. Without it, they cannot think of working. But often addiction to these drinks results.

What exactly is caffeine addiction? What are the telltale signs that one is drinking more of these caffeinated drinks?

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Caffeine addiction

For many people in the world, the day starts with a cup of coffee, tea, or caffeinated drinks. They continue to have more cups of caffeinated drinks throughout the day.

They feel energyless without it. And they cannot imagine a day without these cups of hot beverages. It keeps them going. They can work and focus on their work with it.

The reason is the caffeine in these drinks that stimulates the mind and helps it concentrate on the work at hand.

Caffeine addiction
Caffeine addiction (Source: National Today)

Soon without their knowledge, they become dependent on these hot beverages. It becomes a habit and they cannot think without these cups. This is a difficult situation to be in. This caffeine addiction has its health risks and is harmful to the body.

Signs of too much caffeine

Everything in moderation is good. When people overdo things, it is harmful. The same holds for caffeinated drinks. Caffeine is good for a quick energy boost.

But once addiction sets in, it could affect the work negatively. Health may suffer and social interactions might be affected.

Consumption of excessive quantities of caffeine might cause blood pressure to rise. It can put a strain on the heart.

Additionally, excess caffeine can cause anxiety, sleep disturbances in form of insomnia, lack of concentration, digestive upsets, and even muscle breakdown.

It can affect the bowel and bladder and increase problems. In women trying to conceive, who are pregnant or are breastfeeding, it is dangerous. As per NHS:

High levels of caffeine can result in babies having a low birthweight, which can increase the risk of health problems in later life.”

“High caffeine levels might also cause miscarriage. Check the labels of energy drinks as they often say the drink is not suitable for children or pregnant women.”

Caffeine addiction
Too much caffeine in a day is bad for health (Source: Health line)

Victoria Taylor, the dietitian at British Heart Association, adds:

Sugar, syrups, whole milk, saturated fat and cream add calories which can cause weight gain and increase cholesterol levels.”

How to overcome addiction to caffeine?

Around 4 to 5 cups of caffeinated drinks are okay in a day. Victoria states:

Research shows that this level of caffeine intake shouldn’t be detrimental to your heart health, affect your cholesterol levels or heart rhythm.”

NHS corrects:

Caffeine affects some people more than others, and the effect can depend on how much caffeine you normally consume.”

Also, read What is cold brew coffee? Does it have more caffeine?

Caffeine addiction
Caffeine addiction (Source: Very well fit)

If one plans to reduce the amount of consumption of these drinks in a day, go slow. Hurried withdrawal can cause headaches 18 hours later. Reduce half a cup every 7 days.

The second way to reduce is to consume the same amount of the drink but make it lighter. Alternatively one can switch to low-caffeine tea or coffee or herbal tea. It requires a strong will power and support from those around to overcome caffeine addiction.