Candida diet

Candida infection is due to a fungus. The belief is that a high sugar and starchy diet causes gut dysbiosis and fungal overgrowth. To prevent and eliminate candida infection, candida diet is advised.

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What is a candida diet?

The Candida diet is a special diet to overcome Candida infection. This consists of low sugar and anti-inflammatory foods that correct gut dysbiosis and restores the balance of the gut microbiome.

This diet mainly consists of low sugar foods and fruits, non-glutenous grains, non-starchy vegetables, milk and milk products and fermented foods.

Candida diet
Candida diet (Source: Lybrate)

The basis of this diet recommendation is that processed and sugary junk foods lead to changes in gut microbiome. It is disturbed leading to growth of unhealthy bacteria and also fungal overgrowth. Candida is a fungus that can proliferate to large numbers and cause gut infection. Hence elimination of high sugar and inflammation causing foods can assist. This is Candida diet.

Symptoms of Candida gut infection

Candida can infect the gut right from the oral mucosa up to the anus. Hence this infection can cause whitish patches on inner surface of cheeks, buccal cavity and mouth and lips. This is thrush.

In the gut region, it can cause stomach discomfort, aches and pains, cramps, bloating, gas formation, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, loose motions, and fatigue and weakness.

Candida diet
Candida diet (Source: Amy Meyers)

There might be other yeast infection as well simultaneously present in an individual. Additionally, the same infection of Candida might cause infection in other organs such as vagina, anus, skin etc.

There can be brain fog, mild depression, joint pains, sinus infection, and allergy flare ups. The overgrowth of Candida is also precipitated by chronic stress and a course of broad spectrum antibiotics.

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Gut health and body

Recent belief is that gut health is of utmost importance. When upset, it has extensive and far reaching implications. The gut health is linked to immune system, heart protection, arterial health, glucose control, digestion, and mental health.

There are 40 trillion microorganisms thriving in our body and these are more than the number of cells in our body. These microorganisms are good of bad. One should have more of the healthy microorganisms for good health. Any disturbance in the proportion of these organisms can upset our body and organs and their function.

Candida diet
Candida diet (Source: Intelligent labs)

The Candida diet aims to improve gut health. It reduces inflammation and boosts immunity by reducing the growth of bad germs.

One can consume non-starchy vegetables, low-sugar foods and fruits, non-glutenous whole grains, healthy proteins like chicken and fish, some milk and dairy products, nuts and seeds, fermented foods like yoghurt and kefir and sauerkraut, along with lots of herbs, spices, fats and oils. This provides nutrition while keeping off Candida pathogen.

This diet also calls for reduction in caffeine intake. This is because caffeine has the propensity to increase the inflammation of the gut. Use alternative such as chicory coffee, decaffeinated drinks, and green tea.

Three basic principles are: low sugar, low inflammatory foods and low or zero gluten foods.