Celebrities such as the Kardashians and Hailey Baldwin use NAD+ to slow and reverse their aging process. What is this product? Is its use backed by science? What are the long term issues? Is it safe?

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What is NAD+?

In episode 5 of season 1 of Hulu’s show The Kardashians, Hailey Baldwin and Kendall Kardashian had revealed that they often take intravenous NAD+. This compound supposedly reduces the physical changes of aging.

Hailey Baldwin and Kendall Jenner use IV NAD+ to arrest aging and look young (Source: Pinterest)

This compound is a large molecule that cannot penetrate body cells. It is naturally present in whole cow’s milk, sardines, salmon, yeast and crimini mushrooms. Moreover this molecule also boosts energy and improves recovery from exercise. It also has a positive impact on mood and brain function. One study in the journal, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology states:

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme for redox reactions, making it central to energy metabolism,”

The developed world sees a longer lifespan in their citizens. But the aging process affects the quality of life. Bit NAD+ might improve life quality physically and mentally of this long-living people.

Effects and problems

The initial trials on this product have given encouraging results. But more studies are essential. Also the therapy is currently expensive and out of reach of common people. It takes time and money to have it. Additionally, the injections are painful to have. There is an uncomfortable sensation on taking it at the site. And the IV goes slowly over four hours.

Hence, there is a precursor of this compound. It is nicotinamide riboside (NR) that Tru Niagen makes. It is a smaller molecule unlike NAD+ and can enter cells easily. It is available as oral supplements and is less costly.

NAD+ injection (Source: Empower Pharmacy)

One study showed that NR supplementation improved the level of NAD+ in the body by 60%. Other studies proved that NR can lower blood pressure, blood inflammatory markers and increase energy levels. It is more efficient that the other larger molecule.

Other anti-aging alternatives

While the anti-aging molecule is still costly and uncomfortable to have, one can opt for other measures to slow aging process. Healthy lifestyle and healthy living habits can improve quality of life and it’s longevity. One should not start it after 60 years of age but before it in youth. Earlier the start, better the results. These include:

-Having a predominantly plant based diet. Opt for more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Fish and olive oil are good for health. Reduce intake of red meats. Go for lean protein sources such as chicken and turkey.

-Do not have a sedentary lifestyle. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. This can be simple walking or bicycling or swimming.

NAD+ reversed aging effects (Source:

-Have adequate and proper sleep every night. Ensure it by avoiding caffeine before sleep and reducing stress of life.

Read here: Inadequate sleep and foods: the complex relationship explained!

-Have a good social group that is supportive. This does have a great impact for prevention of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Both are common with age and affect the quality of life tremendously.