One size nutrition plans do not fit all. It has to be customized. A company called Zoe has come up with personalized nutrition plan and it is a big hit. After their success in the USA, they are now in the UK. And there is already a huge waiting list for it.
Zoe and the personalized nutrition plan
Zoe is the name of a company that is well aware that one type of nutrition plan does not fit everyone. Diet plan has to be tailor made to suit individual needs. Hence, they evaluate individual cases with sophisticated means and draw out a plan for that individual based on the reports.
It was Tim Spector from the genetic epidemiology department at King’s College London that laid down the concept of this program. From his studies on twins, Tim realized that despite identical genetic material, twins showed different reactions to foods.
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This method has been extremely successful and useful in the USA. It is popular and many people are ready to accept it. The company has launched a similar program in the UK. And there are already 250000 clients on the waiting list. Such is the craze of people to get an accurate and reliable diet plan for self that they do not mind the long waits for it.
The plan and the principles cum methods
Zoe company is based on the fact that every persons metabolism is different. No one size diet plan suits everyone. Every person’s biology is different from another person. The company maps this biology and accordingly draws out a nutrition plan. Every data collected forms part of a large nutrition study. This will increase knowledge about nutrition in general. The same group had determined that early bedtime gives rise to better blood sugar control in 953 participants.
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In every case, firstly the blood sugar is monitored continuously over 15 days with an app. And on the second day, stool sampling is done to know the gut microbiome.
Day 3 tests and results
On day 3, certain unusual tests are done to know how your body handles protein, fats, and carbs.
The results show which kind of bacteria you have and how you score with people of your age and gender. The determinants of the blood sugar spikes are age, sex, time of the day you eat carbs and also with what you eat them with and of course, the genes. Dr Sarah Berry, head of nutrition at Zoe has this to explain:
“You can also dampen the spike by pairing up different foods. If you add a protein or fat, for example, it can counterbalance some of the inflammation that occurs after eating carbohydrates to have a favourable impact on your health. Polyphenols, which are bioactive nutrients found in a whole host of red and dark pigmented foods, also reduce your blood sugar responses,”
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She added optimistically:
“Modifying your meals and lifestyle can minimise your blood sugar response and the damage of those spikes.”
Also, read What is Sirtfood diet? Diet plan and pros and cons!
After this, Zoe lays down a specific plan for that individual. It is tailor made and hence better than general nutrition plans. Though a bit expensive initially, in the long run it gives the person more for less.