
People often get worried when they have reports showing that there is high cholesterol in their blood. Cholesterol is needed for various body processes.

But too much of it is bad for the body. It affects the heart and blood vessels leading to heart attacks and stroke. Addition of certain Vegetables in diet can help lower it.

High blood cholesterol

Many people especially with growing age and unhealthy eating habits start showing high blood cholesterol levels.

This affects negatively the heart and arteries forming plaques there and leading to heart attacks and strokes. Trista Best is a diet expert with Balance One Supplements. She has this to say:

“We are discovering more about what impacts a person’s cholesterol levels from genetics to diet to lifestyle habits, and it is becoming more clear that genetics play a larger role in how the body processes cholesterol and one’s risk for high cholesterol,”

Though genes are main contributors in this health issue, we can modify the effect by having healthy eating habits. Trista adds:

Still, there are some dietary habits that can exacerbate or lead to high cholesterol.”

Vegetables that can lower blood cholesterol

Foods that are less oily can keep blood cholesterol in check. Eating healthy is one way we can control it. We cannot change our genes at the moment. Neither can we stop aging.

The only thing useful in our hand for the heart is to change our lifestyle and modify our diet. We should aim to lessen the stress in our daily lives.

Competitive nature can be decreased and excitement due to any cause also to be brought down. There are certain vegetables that hold the key to lower the high blood cholesterol. Which are these?

Spinach (Source: Amazon)

1. Spinach: one of the green vegetables

This green leafy vegetable has hoards of nutrients including minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that is good for cardiac health. Trista advised:

Fiber can reduce the bad cholesterol circulating throughout the body. This is because fiber and cholesterol will stick to each other, thereby being removed from the body naturally and simultaneously reducing cholesterol. Some high fiber vegetables to integrate into your diet to lower cholesterol include spinach, carrots, and various greens like collards and Swiss chard,”

2. Asparagus

Brussels sprouts (Source: Pinterest)

You can grill or roast this vegetable that has ample amount of helpful nutrients. Janet Coleman, another licensed nutritionist states:

“Asparagus contains vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients that can help keep your heart healthy. Rich in folate, asparagus also helps lower homocysteine levels in the body, which may reduce your risk of heart disease by improving circulation,”

3. Broccoli

Some people do not like this vegetable due to its hard nature. But it is heart-friendly and versatile. Janet adds:

Broccoli is another great vegetable for lowering cholesterol because it has high levels of fiber and vitamin C. Broccoli also contains beta-carotene, which helps prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) in the bloodstream,”

4. Brussels sprouts

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Try this to lower the bad fats of your blood. Janet claims:

Brussel sprouts are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that help protect against heart disease. They’re also an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps maintain healthy blood vessels and thereby lowers blood pressure,”

5. Artichokes

Artichoke (Source: Pinterest)

These may not be so easily available everywhere. Praising artichokes, Janet says:

Artichokes are high in fiber, magnesium, and antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene. They also contain vitamin K, which helps prevent blood clots from forming inside the arteries. Artichokes may also help reduce inflammation throughout the body,”