Worst drinks

Cognitive decline occurs with age. But in some it could be severe and debilitating. Alzheimer’s disease and dementia affects a significant percentage of the elderly population. Also, those who have a family history of this disease worry about their future brain health. But do you know that diet too can affect brain in the long run? There are certain drinks that are linked with faster decline in cognition. Hence these should be avoided. Which are the worst drinks for brain health?

Worst drinks for brain health

Decline in memory and cognitive function is noticed with age. There is an increasing population of elderly people that are affected with this condition. It could be serious and affect day to day work. As of 2022, 6.5 million Americans age 65 and above live with Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, one in three seniors die with it.

When there is a family history of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, the family members fear for their future. They try to find ways to boost their brain functions and slow or arrest the speed of cognitive deterioration.

It is true that certain foods can boost mental health. On the other hand, certain foods can worsen it. We often overlook the role of drinks in negatively affecting brain health. Here is a list of 6 worst drinks for it.

Sugary beverages

These include regular sodas, fruit flavored drinks, sports drinks etc. A 2017 report of CDC revealed that more that half of the American adults consume sugary beverages on daily basis. And their daily sugar intake averages 37 g. This is more than the daily recommended allowance of sugar for adults.

Worst drinks
Sugary beverages (Source: Scripps health)

Sugars cause body inflammation and have been linked with cardiovascular diseases, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and stroke. They also increase risk of dementia. A recent study showed that people having these drinks had three times more chances of developing dementia. And the risk of stroke was two times more.

Harvard School of Public Health study also attributes these drinks to poorer memory, smaller hippocampus and smaller brain volume.


You might have thought that milkshakes are healthier. But for brain health, they are not. They have sugar plus saturated fats. And the latter raises blood bad cholesterol and increases risk of dementia.

Specialty coffee drinks

Coffee in cafes is loaded with sugars and milk. The latter has saturated fats. And both cause high blood cholesterol and raise risk of dementia. If you want to lessen the risk, opt for unsweetened coffee containing skimmed milk.

Sports drinks

Worst drinks
Sports drinks (Source: Amazon)

These are okay for an athlete who is looking for adequate hydration and wants to improve the athletic performance. But an average person does not require it. Moreover, sports drinks are loaded with sugars and are therefore detrimental for health, heart, and neurological system. Better option would be an electrolyte solution with no sugar.

Recovery drinks

These are meant for rehydration and recovery of sore muscles. And their carbs to protein ratio is 4:1. But the carbs in them are of the simple type and the drinks have high calories in them. Therefore, it is okay for a vigorous exerciser, but an average person does not need it.

Read here: Dairy products should be back on British diet, says a new report of Dairy APPG!

Worst drinks
Recovery drink (Source: Recover 180)

Caffeinated energy drinks

They boost energy and awaken a person. But they have no role in brain health. This is because they have high sugars in them. Therefore, opt for sugar free caffeinated drinks.