Dairy products

Dairy products form an essential part of a balanced diet. But somehow their consumption dropped as dietitians started stressing on vegetables and fruits for health. But now, the UK Dairy All-Party Parliamentary Group or APPG in short have launched a report at the Houses of Parliament in London.

Table of Contents

Dairy products and their consumption

Dairy products
Dairy products (Source: Pinterest)

Since time immemorial, milk and milk products were an essential part of our diet. These are rich in calcium and other factors that make bones and teeth strong and healthy. But over time with rise in processed foods and emphasis on 5 a day, dairy products fell to the background. This could be detrimental for the health of children and the elderly population. Margaret Ritchie, member of Parliament and vice chairman on the Dairy APPG Board says:

Current trends in dairy consumption are a concern; although milk and dairy foods are paramount to the development of children and teenagers, younger generation do not always see dairy as being an essential part of their diet.”

She feels that government has an important role to boost the consumption of milk in children through campaigns and positive messages so that children put it as a priority on their diet.

3 a day program

The report is titled Putting Dairy Back on the Daily Menu. This comes after a public health debate on role of dairy foods for everyone. The Dairy APPG has requested the Department of Health to put and implement the 3 a day program for milk and milk products in the dietary guidelines of the UK. This will ensure that kids and adults have milk and milk products servings of at least three times in a day.

Dairy products
Milk is good for kids (Source: Health line)

Simon Hoare, an MP and also a vice chairman of the Dairy APPG says:

There isn’t any overproduction, but there is a lack of take up. And just as 5 a day has become the rubric on many a health board, the essence of this report is to point out clearly-and we’ll be pursuing this with ministers and officials at the Department of Health-three a day of dairy produce, British produced dairy produce.”

He feels that the dairy industry of the UK is extraordinary and strives to meet to the needs and expectations of its consumers. He stressed that policies to support the industry are the need of the hour. Simon named France, Canada USA and Australis as countries with a thriving dairy industry. And he wants the same to be in the UK. He said:

It’s time we put dairy back on the British menu.”

This report has many supporters from other organizations of the UK. These include Dairy UK, Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs, Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers, and the like.

Key points of the report

Milk is import to tackle malnutrition in kids and older people and help in healthy aging.

Milk and its products should be promoted for sports injuries recovery. Gyms and athletic training center should be made aware of these products and urged to make it part of their diet.

Milk has great nutritive and environmental value and its promotion would do good for humans and planet.

Dairy products
Elders need milk (Source: Home care assistance)

The Department of Health and the UK government should make efforts to support the industry and push people to have more milk in their diet daily.

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Government should work with schools and teach kids about the importance of milk in their life. This will help them make healthy choices for their own sake.