Ritu Arya
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Actress Ritu Arya is well-known for her roles in Red Notice, Feel Good, Doordarshan, Humans, Sticks and Stones, Last Christmas, and other motion pictures and television programs.

Ritu Arya is also highly renowned for performing daring stunts and for being extremely fit; you’ve probably seen her action movies.

Keep reading if you also want the Ritu workout and the Ritu diet plan since you also want to talk about her physical physique.

Ritu Arya Body Stats

Height 5 ft 5 inch
Weight 50-52 kg
Age 28 years
Breast 33 inch
Waist 25 inch
Hips 34 inch

Ritu Arya’s Exercise Program, Ninja Training

Ritu Arya
Ritu Arya Diet Plan, Workout Routine, Exercise, Body Measurements

As she collaborates with well-known actors like Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, Gal Gadot, and others, Ritu is surely breaking out and establishing herself in the Hollywood sector.

But it takes hard work, which we have seen her putting in recent years, to work with those stars and become more relevant and better in the acting world.

You’ve probably already seen this Ritu Instagram post where she’s engaged in ninja training and education activities.

So if Ritu keeps working so hard, we can see her becoming more famous.

She even admitted in an interview with The Vulture that she trained with Tommy Chang, a martial artist trainer, at least three times a week to learn how to fight and use several weapons.

Ritu never mentioned anything further, so I assume she was practicing martial arts. After that, there was no more discussion of the workout. But we can improve it even further by including some more exercises.

I’d advise including martial arts training as well as yoga. In this manner, you can achieve a well-toned body form while maintaining your flexibility.

Try to practice yoga every day and martial arts at least three to four days a week. In this manner, you will be able to maintain your fitness and partake in a variety of activities, just as Ritu does by playing the drums, participating in jam sessions, and getting out frequently. Physical activity is therefore important.

Ritu Arya’s exercises consist of:

Pilates Or Yoga

Every day of the week, for a minimum of an hour, we will practice yoga. Yoga should be practiced for 30 minutes at first, then an hour, and even longer if you wish to work out more intensely.

It will help you tone your muscles, achieve a natural body shape with a defined waistline and toned arms, and get you into shape so you can look like Ritu.

You can also practice Pilates if you’d like since it will provide you with nearly identical results, an even slimmer waistline, intensive core training, and a super-toned lower body. If you choose, you can rotate between the two or train one of them.

Combined Martial Arts

You can practice mixed martial arts for an hour at least three to four days a week.

Since I’m not very well known in the martial arts community, I can’t advise you on this, but I would recommend visiting an MMA gym and according to your trainer’s instructions and recommended workouts.

The Ritu Arya exercise program is now complete.

Diet Plan By Ritu Arya

Ritu Arya won’t be adhering to a strict diet, but I believe she will have a balanced diet and practice moderation. To maintayou’reohealththy and give you a wonderful body shape like Ritu, I believe I will provide you with a diet plan.

Ritu’s diet consists of:

Is Vegan Ritu Arya?

Ritu is not vegan, so no.


  • Oatmeal’s
  • Toast


  • Acai bowl or smoothie


  • Lentils
  • Rice
  • Veggies


  • Salmon, whole grain pasta
  • Veggies
  • Salad

That’s all for the Ritu Arya diet plan.