Thassapak Hsu
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The actor Thassapak Hsu is well-known for his roles in such films and television programs as My Girlfriend Is An Alien, Lovey Dovey, Cinderella Chef, Club Friday To Be Continued, etc.

In addition to being one of the most gorgeous Thai actors, Thassapak Hsu is renowned for his athletic figure. So continue reading if you also want the Thassapak workout and diet plan.

Thassapak Hsu Body Stats

Height 5 ft 10 inch
Weight 70-73 kg
Age 29 years
Chest 42 inch
Waist 32 inch
Biceps 14½ inch

Routine Of Thassapak Hsu’s Workouts, Shadow Boxing


Thassapak Hsu
Thassapak Hsu Workout Routine, Diet Plan, Exercise, Body Measurements

Actor Thassapak Hsu is well-known for appearing in a variety of films and television programs, including My girlfriend is an extraterrestrial and Cinderella Chef.

Sadly, he has taken girlfriends, but that doesn’t affect the fact that he is attractive and fit. He is one of the hottest Thai actors. Because of this, many men aspire to look like Thassapak. So let’s get started if you’re interested in learning the key to his routines.

I looked for publications where I could see his entire routine or interviews, but I was unable to locate any reliable interviews. However, I did come across a couple of videos of Thassapak exercising in the gym that was posted on YouTube by admirers.

You can watch his shadow box in this video for Instincts, and I later discovered other posts on Thassapak’s Instagram account that show him lifting weights.

Unfortunately, there are no specifics regarding the exercises in his regimen, but I can recommend a great workout to make you look like Thassapak.

We will perform weight training, shadow boxing, and a core exercise regimen over six days. It will take two hours to complete the workout regimen overall, and you can expect to be exhausted. However, persevere because the effort will be worthwhile.

Workouts with Thassapak Hsu include:


The first 20 to 30 minutes of the workout will be spent on interval shadow boxing. It’s beneficial to increase your metabolism and get your blood flowing.

For 20 to 30 minutes, you can perform two-minute rounds with a one-minute break in between. When shadow boxing, there is no set pattern. Mix jabs, hooks, combinations, and other moves as you choose to achieve an excellent workout program.

Weightlifting And Core

Six days of weight training will be performed, with each day’s program concentrating on different body compositions. We’ll use a large set workout approach, which means we’ll move quickly from one exercise to the next with little to no rest in between.

Sets: 4

Reps: 15,12,10,8

Light to heavy weights with the least amount of rest possible between each exercise


  • biceps curls
  • squat curls
  • bang curls
  • Pastoral curls
  • Curls of concentration


  • Pushdowns using a triceps cable
  • dumbbell stomping on skulls
  • Bench press for triceps
  • Dumbbell bribes
  • Chain tricep dips (till failure)


  • a chain pull-up
  • Leg raises
  • rope rows
  • Bench-press rows
  • Weighted rows
  • Deadlifts (till failure)


  • Flying motion (dumbbell flyes or cable flyes)
  • chest squeeze
  • Adjustable bench press
  • vertical bench press
  • bodyweight chest dips (till failure)


  • Astin press
  • shoulder press with a dumbbell
  • Side raises
  • Shrugs
  • Delt insects
  • delt lifts with a bent-over position


  • Leg curls and extensions
  • Leg lift
  • combining pushing motions
  • Lunges in chains
  • Squats in a shark pit
  • Weighted squats


Your core muscles will be the focus of this circuit exercise. To obtain the finest workout, we’ll perform a brief routine that takes 20 to 30 minutes.

3 circuits

8 exercises total for each circuit.

40-second reps

After completing the circuit, take two minutes to relax.

  • Crunches
  • raising your legs against resistance
  • Resistance leg lifts while dangling side to side
  • a Russian spin
  • In and out with a plank
  • twisted plank
  • A plank hold
  • to the side plank and crunch

The Thassapak Hsu exercise plan comes to an end here.

Diet Of Thassapak Hsu

I was unable to discover information about the Thassapak diet; the only instance I could find of him consuming Greek yogurt was in an advertisement, so I can’t rely on that.

Additionally, he is not a vegetarian because I saw him eating chicken and other things. In light of that, I believe I can provide you with a diet that can help you achieve an attractive physique like Thassapak.

Keep in mind that this diet is in no way comparable to Thassapak’s official diet.

The Diet of Thassapak consists of:

Is Vegan Thassapak Hsu?

Thassapak is not vegan, to be clear.


  • Chicken sausage
  • Eggs
  • Juice


  • Protein smoothie


  • Chicken
  • Veggies
  • A small bowl of rice

Evening Snack

  • Salmon salad


  • Chicken or turkey breast
  • Veggies
  • Salad

That’s all for the Thassapak Hsu diet plan.