Aaron Curtis
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Who is Aaron Curtis?

Australian bodybuilder and fitness legend Aaron Curtis. Since entering the arena for the first time in 2008, he has won multiple events, including the 2012 NABBA Class 2 State Champion and the 2013 INBA Class 3 State Champion.

But “Iron Curtis” hasn’t had it easy; Aaron Curtis tore his ligament twice and was later disqualified from the competition.

“I exercise because I enjoy pushing myself to get better. It would always be off-season if I didn’t compete!

Body Measurements of Aaron Curtis

Full Name: Aaron Curtis
ERA: 2010, 2000
PROFESSION: Bodybuilder, Fitness Icon
ALIAS: Iron Curtis
HEIGHT: 5’11” (180cm) 
WEIGHT: 185-195 lb (83.9 – 88.5kg)
ARMS: 17″ 

“I just want to get as big and strong as possible!”

Aaron Curtis



2008 INBA Novice Mr. Victoria and Novice Mr. Australia
2008 ANB Novice Mr. Victoria

2010 ANB Intermediate Mr. Victoria – 1st and Overall title
2010 Australian Championships – 1st and Overall title.
2010 INBA Intermediate Mr. Victoria and Intermediate Mr. Australia (DQ’d)
2010 ANB U90kg and Overall Mr. Australia (DQ’d)
2012 NABBA Class 2 State Champion
2012 IFBB U90kg State Champion
2013 IFBB FitX Mens Physique last place
2013 INBA Class 3 State Champion
2013 ANB U90kg and Overall State Champion
2013 INBA Nationals Class 3 2nd place
2013 ANBNationals U90kg 2nd place
2013 INBA Natural Olympia DNP (missed pre-judging)

“I’ve been involved in competitive sport since I was 6 years old. I only got into competitive bodybuilding at the age of 24 though.

I’d been training with weights since the age of 14, but was never interested in competing – until I ceased football/athletics, due to various injuries.”


Young Years

Between the ages of 6 and 10, Australian-born Aaron Curtis participated in a variety of sports, including gymnastics, Australian rules football, and track and field.

He grew up with a naturally slender body and developed a fascination for exercise as a child.

Start of Fitness Journey

As Aaron’s love for exercise grew, he began to dislike his appearance. He had started idolizing bodybuilders, aiming to have a physique like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Frank Zane.

Aaron first entered the gym and began weight training in 1998. The Australian started his fitness career at the age of 15.

“When I was running my best times on track, I was 54kg (119lbs) and that was 12 months or so, after I started training with weights, but I was still only 15 years old at the time.”


Aaron put a lot of effort into building strength and reducing his body fat during the next four years. The young man’s participation in sport, however, was impeding his progress in the gym because he frequently had injuries while playing Australian rules football.

But nothing improved.

Aaron fell while climbing a tree in 2002 when he was 19 years old, tearing his ligament. He had to give up Australian rules football and athletics as a result.

For the first time in his life, Aaron was forced to watch from the sidelines at this point.

“After the injury occurred and I had a proper diagnosis, there was nothing I could change about it, other than to have it operated on and look forward to being 100% again after it was all healed and rehabbed.

So I just focused on doing what I had to do, to get better.”


Aaron resumed working out in the gym in 2003 even though his leg remained immobile. He wasn’t going to let his bad luck get him down.

The Australian put in five years of dedicated training, and it paid off. Aaron had been able to build an outstanding physique by the time he was 25.

Aaron decided to enter his first contest, the INBA Mr. Novice Australia, after being urged by his friends.

With the prize in hand, he left after understanding his potential to succeed as a bodybuilder. He was inspired to work even harder in the gym and was determined to fill his trophy cabinet.

Added Injury

Aaron’s competitive career got off to a strong start, but injuries plagued him later on. While out with his buddies for the evening, he tore his ligament once more.

This prevented him from competing in 2009, but Aaron made care to maintain excellent fitness during this time. He focused on coming back in 2010 in better shape than before.

“The longer I trained, the more serious I became about my training and nutrition, and as a result, the further my physique had progressed.”

Resultant Return

In 2010, the Australian got back to his regular training schedule as soon as he could. He wasted no time in getting ready for his comeback.

Aaron entered the stage at the 2010 ANB Intermediate Mr. Victoria in a jiffy. His perseverance paid off, and he was honored with both the overall victory and the first-place trophy.

Soon after, Aaron added to his winning streak by winning the 2010 ANB Australian Championships and taking home the trophy. The talented bodybuilder had previously thought it would take him five more years to win this competition, so this was a tremendous achievement.

Refused to Compete

Aaron always managed to find himself in awkward circumstances, and the events that followed his national championship victory were no different.

Aaron fell short due to his inexperience. After testing positive for methylhexaneamine, a substance that is prohibited for professional sports, he was given a three-year suspension from competition and stripped of his two awards.

“I simply love leading a natural bodybuilding lifestyle. putting practically all of my attention and effort into what I eat, exercise, sleep, and work as well (I need money for food). I also like the fact that my lifestyle keeps me physically healthy and fit.


Aaron was permitted to participate in IFBB and NABBA competitions while being barred from ANB competitions. And he did precisely this.

Having learned from his error, he avoided using any illegal substances and took two years off to build up his physique. His diligence paid off.

Aaron won the 2012 NABBA and IFBB State Championships after regaining his strength.

Further Success and Social Media

Aaron participated in six shows in 2013 after his prohibition from participating in ANB competitions was lifted, winning two more titles.

Around this time, Aaron’s amazing body on social media started to gain attention. His new supporters gave him the moniker “Iron Curtis,” and he continued to amass a sizable following on Instagram.

Iron Curtis had established himself as a fitness icon by 2016, spreading his passion for exercise and encouraging others to follow their aspirations.

“I have generally always had 2-3 off days/week. My body responds better when training less frequently.”

Aaron Curtis


Aaron Curtis is a firm believer in paying close attention to his form when working out. He wants to force his body to adapt and grow by subjecting his muscles to a heavier load than in previous training sessions.

Depending on how his muscles are doing or how busy he is, Iron Curtis works out at the gym 5–6 times per week. He does sets of 1-3 reps and 6-12 total.

Exercise Program

Here is Aaron’s suggested exercise schedule:

Monday – Shoulders/Triceps

  • DB Shoulder Press 1-3 x 6-12
  • Smith Machine Shoulder Press 1-3 x 6-12
  • DB Lateral Raise (seated) 1-3 x 8-15
  • DB Shrug 1-3 x 8-15
  • Dips 1-3 x 6-12
  • Close Grip Bench1-3 x 6-12
  • Close Grip Overhead Press (I made this up, triceps tendons don’t like isolation stuff) 1-3 x 6-12

Tuesday – Back/Rear Delt

  • Chin-Up (close, neutral grip) 1-3 x 6-12
  • Lat Pulldown (supinated grip) 1-3 x 6-12
  • Barbell Row (pronated grip) 1-3 x 6-12
  • Seated Row (neutral grip) 1-3 x 6-12
  • Rear Cable Fly (for rear delts) 1-3 x 8-15
  • Deadlift 1-3 x 6-12

Wednesday – Off or Calves/Abs

  • Standing Calf Raise 1-3 x 8-15
  • Calf Press (on 180 deg leg press) 1-3 x 8-15
  • Hanging Leg Raise 2 x 10-15
  • Weighted Sit-Up (decline bench) 2 x 10-15

Thursday – Chest/Biceps

  • Bench Press 1-3 x 6-12
  • DB Low Incline Press 1-3 x 6-12
  • Barbell Incline Press 1-3 x 6-12
  • Cable Fly 1-3 x 8-15
  • Barbell Curl 1-3 x 6-12
  • DB Incline Curl 1-3 x 6-12
  • Reverse Cable Curl 1-3 x 6-12

Friday – Quads/Hams

  • Squat 1-3 x 8-15
  • Leg Press (45 deg) 1-3 x 8-15
  • Lunge (stationary, alternating) 1-3 x 8-15
  • Straight Leg Deadlift 1-3 x 6-12
  • Seated Leg Curl 1-3 x 6-12

Saturday – Off or Weakpoint Training

  • Various triceps/biceps work, higher reps, shorter rests.

Sunday – Off

  • Rest day

“Find a form of training you enjoy and do it well. Get your nutrition in check. Be consistent and give yourself time, nothing great happens over night.”


The majority of Aaron’s time is spent building muscle, which contributes to his already large body. However, he takes the time to reduce body fat every two years. Iron Curtis makes an effort to maintain his leanness while bulking, adding little to no body fat.

The Australian ate up to seven meals a day to maintain a strong metabolism and a well-fueled, growth-ready body.

Diet Plan:

  • 2 cups muesli, 333g low-fat plain yogurt, 166g cottage cheese, and 1 apple.
  • 250g kangaroo mince, 2 lettuce leaves, 1/6 avocado, 1/2 tomato, 1 celery stick,1 small mushroom, nuts, seeds, apple cider vinegar, and 30ml flax oil.
  • (Pre Workout) 2 cups brown rice (cooked), 270g tuna, lemon juice, sweet chili sauce, and 1 banana.
  • Pre Training Shake: 15g whey, 5g BCAA, 20g dextrose.
  • Intra Training Shake: 5g BCAA, 20g dextrose.
  • Post Training Shake: 30g whey, 5g BCAA, and 40g dextrose.
  • (Post Workout) 200-250g chicken breast, 300-400g potatoes, salt, and pepper.
  • UPS Pro Form (Meal Replacement).
  • 250-300 steak/chops, steamed veg/salad.
  • 4 eggs, 1/6 avocado, 90g tuna, 30ml olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Supplement Stack:

  • BCAAs
  • Creatine
  • Dextrose
  • Whey Protein

“I have a very supportive wife and my parents have always supported me in everything I have done.”

Influences and Idols

Aaron says that his wife and family have been his greatest sources of inspiration throughout “everything.”

Aaron cites many bodybuilders, including Ronnie Coleman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dorian Yates, Flex Wheeler, Frank Zane, Kai Green, and Evan Centopani, as influences in the fitness business.

“Lift weights. Eat as many calories as possible, whilst still at a deficit. Drop weight SLOWLY.”

What Aaron Curtis Can Teach us?

If we can learn anything from Aaron Curtis, it’s to never give up in difficult circumstances. Iron Curtis has torn his ligament twice and been disqualified from competitions, yet he always bounced back to win awards and further his success.

All of us experience challenging periods in life, but if we work long and hard enough to achieve our goals, we will succeed.