Babak Akbarniya
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Who Is Babak Akbarniya?

Iranian bodybuilder and social media influencer Babak Akbarniya competes professionally.

He has become more well-known in the fitness and bodybuilding world by placing first in competitions around Europe and America and by displaying his incredible physique in internet photos.

Short Career Of Babak Akbarniya

Babak Akbarniya has demonstrated he is a challenge to other competitors, especially those in the Professional division, where he participates, thanks to his huge legs, proportionate upper body, and keen conditioning.

Babak keeps having high expectations for himself and plans to win the largest bodybuilding contests in the future.

Body Measurements Of Babak Akbarniya

Full Name: Babak Akbarniya
ERA: 2010 Professional Bodybuilder, Social Media Personality

Babak Akbarniya


  • Olympia Amateur World Showdown, Moscow, 1st Place Overall


Off-Season Exercise

Babak Akbarniya trains more frequently and for longer periods during his off-season. He will work out five to six times a week for a maximum of two hours each time.

In the off-season, Babak also takes a little bit longer breaks between sets—roughly two minutes. He is better able to prepare for the following exercise after recovering from difficult and demanding sets thanks to this.

Babak doesn’t exercise much cardio during his off-season; he might exercise once or twice per week.

Internal Training

Babak’s workouts are substantially more severe and shorter here. His rest times are reduced to 30 seconds or less and typically continue for an hour. Babak can get a lot of volumes in quickly by doing it in this way.

During this phase, he also performs cardio more frequently, performing it five to six days each week for a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes each time.


Changing your diet

From off-season to in-season, Babak’s nutrition drastically alters. In the off-season, he’ll eat lazily and enjoyably, allowing himself cheat meals a few times a week.

But in the weeks leading up to competition, Babak will only consume incredibly healthy, whole foods that are low in fat and processed.

such as low-fat cheese, a lot of vegetables, low-glycemic fruits, nuts, and oils; lean chicken meat; wild-caught salmon; and so on.

Babak Akbarniya

Three Dietary Guidelines

Unprocessed Eating – Babak mainly eats clean, organic, and healthful meals. Only seldom, during the off-season, does he indulge in a cheat meal.

Vegetables at Every Meal – Babak makes sure to incorporate some form of vegetable at every meal. This not only facilitates his digestion but also gives him the necessary micronutrients.

Minimize Simple Carbs – Babak enjoys eating organic fruits, but he is careful to limit his intake of high-glycemic fruits like bananas and dates. White rice, wheat bread, baked potatoes, and other items with a high glycemic index are also covered by this guideline.

Babak Akbarniya takes supplements

Throughout the year, Babak typically takes the same supplements. He supplements with glutamine, BCAAs, multivitamins, and whey protein isolate.

Babak makes an exception and will include a fat burner in his supplement regimen if he thinks it would help him lose weight more quickly.

What lessons Can We Take Away From Babak Akbarniya?

Babak Akbarniya has demonstrated how a balanced diet and weight exercise may produce amazing effects over time.

Getting results will always be feasible if you can maintain food discipline and a consistent weight-training schedule, just like Babak Akbarniya.