Bell peppers

Bell peppers are a type of vegetable. They are versatile and can enrich any food dish. They add taste and health benefits to the food dish. What is its nutritional value? And what are its health benefits?

Bell peppers

Bell peppers are a nutritious and delicious part of any food dish. You can stir fry them, sautee them or add them as toppings on pizza. You can also add them to pasta, salads, soups, stews etc. They can be a great snack on the go and to be relished with dips and tart sauces.

These vegetables come in different colors, red, yellow, green, orange. And they are loaded with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They also have science backed health benefits.

Bell peppers
Colorful bell peppers (Source: Ask the food geek)

6 Health benefits

Lycopene and cellular damage

These colorful vegetables contain the phytonutrients, lycopene. Grapefruit, water melon, tomatoes, guavas also contain this useful pigment. The maximum concentration of lycopene is in the red variety of peppers.

A report from the journal, Nutrients states that lycopene can fight the cellular damage due to free radicals in the body. Thus, these vegetables can help in prevention of cardiovascular diseases. These diseases are the leading cause of premature deaths in people.

Carotenoids and eye health

Bell peppers
Bell peppers (Source: Grocery Coop)

The orange and yellow type of peppers have pigments, lutein and zeaxanthin in them. These are carotenoids that are present in other yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, cantaloupe and also in eggs and salmon. These convert to vitamin A in the body. And we all know that vitamin A has a major role in vision and eye health. These pigments protect against macular degeneration of the eyes, cataracts and from blue light. The vitamin A also boosts immunity.

Vitamin C and immune system

These peppers especially the red variety are packed with vitamin C. These levels are even more than those found in oranges. The vitamin C boosts immunity and protects against cognitive decline. A meta analysis in the journal, BMC Psychiatry revealed that low levels of vitamin C in blood meant higher rates of depression and low cognition. Another review in American Journal of Epidemiology also confirmed the link between low vitamin C and low cognitive function.

Vitamin B6 and moods

Red peppers are full of vitamin B6. They contain 35% of the daily value of vitamin B6. This vitamin can elevate your mood and overcome depression. An article in the journal, Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease states that vitamin B6 supplements are of use in depression. But there is not enough of B6 in bell peppers alone. Eating them alone will not overcome depression.

Bell peppers
Baked stuffed peppers (Source: All recipes)

Pigment Capsanthin and weight loss and Anti-inflammation

Bell peppers especially the red variety has a lot of pigment called Capsanthin. This reduces inflammation and can assist weight management. Animal studies showed that this pigment caused a weight loss and also reduce level of blood sugar and blood cholesterol.
Dietitian Amy Goodson states:

“Capsanthin helps with potentially causing a very small increase in metabolic rate, and that you likely cannot get the entire amount you need to boost your metabolic rate from bell peppers alone.”

Pigment quercetin and blood pressure

The peppers contain quercetin pigment. This flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and they fight inflammation and cancer cells.

Also, read Quercetin: the plant pigment with potential health benefits!

They prevent heart diseases and lower blood pressure. A mice study in British Journal of Pharmacology showed that mice fed quercetin had lower blood pressure. But Amy warns:

“This particular study used a dose of 10 milligrams of quercetin and 3.5 ounces of green bell pepper only has 2 milligrams,”