
Cucumbers are a common sight in different parts of the world especially during the hot summer months. But they are available perennially. These highly versatile vegetables are highly nutritious with a lot of health benefits.

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Cucumbers: the juicy vegetables

Cucumbers are a healthy addition to our daily diet. These grow on creeping vines of the family Cucurbitacea. The plants are annual and can also bear roots in a soilless medium. The leaves are large and cover and hide the fruits/vegetables.

The vegetable which is actually a fruit is cylindrical in shape. It is elongated with a green variegated peel.

Cucumbers (Source: seed2plant)

The ends are tapering. The peels also contain nutritional value and it is best to keep them intact while consuming them. The vegetable has low calories with a lot of water and minerals and vitamins. Moreover, it is rich in antioxidants. One can consume it raw, add them to salads, soups, smoothies, sandwiches or juices.

Nutritional facts

Hundred grams of the vegetable contains 16 calories. Carbs are low at just 3.63 grams while sugars are 1.67 grams. Dietary fiber is 0.5 g. 95% of the vegetable is water. It has 0.11 grams and 0.65 grams of fats and proteins respectively.

The vegetable has vitamins B, C and K. In the B complex group of vitamins, it is rich in thiamine, riboflavin, niacinamide, pantothenic acid, B6, and folate. Moreover, the vegetable contains calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and fluoride. The sodium content is low at 2 mg in 100 grams of cucumber.

Cucumber salad (Source: The stay at home chef)

Sometimes, the rind and the ends of the fruit have a bitter taste. This is due to cucurbitacins in it. Cucumber is rich in phytochemicals that overcome oxidative stress. Therefore, they prevent cellular damage and chronic health conditions.

Health benefits

The vegetable is hydrating and can overcome water loss especially during summers. They also contain a lot of soluble fiber. These are more in the peel of the vegetable. The peel also has a lot of minerals and vitamins that are lost when we deskin the vegetable.

Cucumbers have a lot of antioxidants such as flavonoids and tannins. These block the harmful free radicals and improve the oxidation status of the individual. Some studies have confirmed these findings.

Cucumber is good for weight management. It has low calories. It increases flavor and freshness of the food dish to which it is added and therefore the need for high calories food ingredients comes down. Its high water content also favors weight loss.

Cucumber sandwiches (Source: The Mediterranean dish)

Cucumber is a good remedy for constipation. It has high water and pectin, a soluble fiber that helps in bowel regularity. Animal and lab data has shown that it has the potential to reduce high blood sugar spikes. Thus it can control sugar levels in diabetics.  Another animal study showed that feeding diabetic mice with cucumber peel extract could reverse diabetes complications.

Read here: Dehydration and diseases: how to stay well hydrated?

These watery vegetables are highly versatile, cheaper, and easy to make. Incorporate them in the daily diet to reap their health benefits.