Dani Alves
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Dani Alves is a well-known midfielder in professional soccer who has captained both the Brazil squad and So Paulo. He’s one of the best midfielders you’ll ever see, has been playing for a while, and has experience competing with players from all over the world.

I’m sure every soccer player would love to have his athletic ability, especially if they are a fan of Dani Alves. Continue reading to learn more about Dani Alves’s Workout Routine diet and exercise routine.

Diet And Exercise Routine For Dani AlvesDani Alves

Dani Alves Body Measurements

Height 5 ft 7 inch
Weight 70 kg
Age 37 years
Chest 40 inch
Waist 30 inch
Biceps 14½ inch

Dani Alves’s Exercise Program

Let’s be clear: Dani Alves is a pro, and the workout will not be publicized in any way. We are only able to learn what they are permitted to reveal and demonstrate.

The pro routine is not available to everyone who is not a pro. However, there are several images, films, and YouTube fan pages available that demonstrate a variety of topics.

Let’s use this video from the PSG channel, which depicts both indoor and outdoor training sessions, as an example.

In addition to working out and practicing on the field, you can watch athletes work out in the gym. Athletes receive a variety of advice, so everything is mixed together for them.

The identical regimen that the other members follow is followed by specific exercises and drills aimed at Dani’s improvement. However, take a look at these exercises if you want to know which areas to focus on first:

Workouts for Dani Alves Workout Routine include:

Football Practice

I would advise you to practice a football drill you can rapidly learn from YouTube for approximately an hour.

Strengthening your stamina and making sure your body gets strong and healthy, will help you improve your soccer skills and make you a better player overall. You can practice and improve in a variety of drills, including endurance, dribbling, passing, shooting, etc.


Soccer is a game of endurance and stamina, as we all know. Although there are additional factors, these two are most crucial over the game’s 90 minutes. A typical soccer player plays for 90 minutes, which equals at least 10km of running.

Therefore, I advise you to practice running that 10 kilometers daily. Short distances slow down the start, and then every week or two you add 1 km to the distance until you reach 10 km.

Train With Weights, Strength, And Explosives

The majority of people now believe that soccer players who work out are pretty comparable to bodybuilders. The athlete concentrates on weight while keeping the rep’s time as brief as possible, and they are told to make each repeat as explosive as they can.

However, this is simply too different. That is why you will see a lot of athletes using weights while also using a resistance band to add additional gravitational pressure.

The Dani Alves exercise program is now complete.

Menu Plan For Dani Alves

Dani works out so much, especially during the active season when he is competing.

An average individual who exercises this much could believe that he can eat whatever he wants without worrying about gaining weight. Dani, on the other hand, is different, even though she burns a lot of calories each day.

Dani still has to adhere to the eating plan that the team nutritionists have provided for his body type. There is no information on the diet because it shouldn’t ever be made public. You can, however, adhere to a diet that will provide you benefits like these:

The Diet of Dani Alves consists of:


  • Oatmeal and blueberries pancakes
  • Protein smoothie
  • Eggs
  • Whole-grain toast
  • Fruits


  • Sports drink
  • Protein banana smoothie


  • Chicken
  • Rice
  • Veggies
  • Salad

Evening snack

  • Juice or salad


  • Salmon
  • Veggies
  • Sweet potato
  • Salad

That’s all for the Dani diet plan.