Studies have linked dehydration to diseases and premature aging. How to stay well hydrated throughout the day?
Dehydration and illnesses and premature aging
A study in the journal, eBiomedicine has associated dehydration to chronic diseases, early aging and premature deaths.
In the study, the authors estimated the serum sodium levels of 11225 adults. They found that recruits with high sodium levels had more risk of chronic diseases. Moreover, they were also into advanced aging process.

High sodium levels occurs with lesser water intake. More studies are needed to know whether remaining well hydrated can help prevent diseases or delay aging. But in the meantime, it is best to have lots of water daily. How does one ensure that?
How to stay well hydrated?
Often, we forget to take enough plain water in a day and end up taking drinks that are not healthy for the body. Here are some tips on how to avoid this and stay well hydrated.
Drink enough plain water
Have enough fluids in the day mostly in the plain water form. Avoid sweet carbonated drinks. When you drink when thirsty, you have already reached a stage of dehydration. Hence, take water intermittently throughout the day even if not thirsty. This will ensure that your body is not depleted of water.

As per the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 15.5 cups of water for men and 11.5 cups of water in case of women will meet the daily fluid requirements. When you are in hot weather or working heavily, have more than this amount. Carrying a reusable water bottle is the right way to remember and have water.
Lessen alcohol and salt intake
Alcohol increases urination and will lead to rapid dehydration. And excessive salt intake forces water out of your body cells. This leads to dehydrating symptoms. And the need for water rises. Hence avoid excess of both of these foods.
Make water appealing to drink
Often, drinking plain water does not appeal to many. In that case you can add calorie-free flavor enhancers to the water. One can purchase a soda generator and make carbonated water at home without any additives.
Minimize sweating
We lose a lot of water in sweating. This is normal but one can avoid excessive sweating by keeping your house or office cool. A fan or air conditioner can serve the purpose.
Use a humidifier
If you are in a place with dry weather, one can opt for a humidifier. This will humidify the air and atmosphere. And this helps decrease water loss through skin and respiratory tract. Moreover your skin moisture will get retained and your skin will improve.

Drink other healthy drinks
To increase your fluid intake, one can opt for healthy fruit juices, smoothies, and teas. Avoid caffeinated drinks as these can cause diuresis and increase loss of water in urine. One can also have watery fruits such as watermelon. Or watery foods like soups, curries, etc.
Read here: Is consuming sparkling water good for health?
The above measures will ensure sufficient water intake and prevent dehydration. This will prevent chronic diseases and illnesses. You will not feel dizzy and your aging will normalize. Also premature death risk would lessen.