Most expensive vegetables

Food shortages with high demands and high inflation rates have affected food prices. And some of these fresh produce are so expensive that they are out of reach of common people. But there are some vegetables that are exorbitantly costly. What is the reason for such high prices of these vegetables? Which are these most expensive vegetables in the world?

Most expensive vegetables in the world

High inflation rates have hit fresh fruits and vegetables. Poor people are unable to consume them. Besides, there are food shortages amidst high demands. This too has pushed the prices of these fresh produce high. Tomatoes, cucumbers, etc are severely affected by these food shortages. And their costs have gone up.

But do you know that there are certain vegetables in the world which are exorbitantly expensive every time. One of the reasons for their high cost is that their variety is rare. They are grown in limited amounts and people who want to purchase them are ready to pay a high price for them. And the second reason is that some of these vegetables need a lot of efforts and/or time to grow them. Therefore, their cost is high.

Below are the five most expensive vegetables of the world:

Most expensive vegetables
Hop shoots (Source: Wikipedia)

Hop shoots

These are the cone-shaped flowers of the female hop plant. These are green in color. They are used to add sweetness to beer. Moreover, these blossoms have medicinal properties. After boiling, they can be an excellent addition to omelette and in other recipes. Their cost is around 426 USD per pound. High end restaurants use these shoots to enrich their food dishes. They serve it in salads and soups or as a solo side dish.

The tender shoots have a unique flavor that is somewhat like an asparagus or a broccoli. The description is of a slightly bitter type with a nutty aftertaste. Their growing and harvesting requires a lot of labor. The shoots have to be picked by hand. One can only consume the top 4 to 6 inches of the shoot. Their growing period is also short. Moreover, their shelf life is short of just a few days after harvesting. That explains the high cost. Belgium and Netherlands are the main growers of this plant.

These are grown in spring season and they need to be harvested before they flower. These shoots are rich in vitamin C and have ample quantities of calcium and iron. They possess anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

La Bonnotte Potatoes

These rare potatoes cost around 320 USD per pound. They grow only on the small island of France called Noirmoutier. And they require hand harvesting. Their texture is different from the common white potatoes and their flavor is delicate.


Most expensive vegetables
Wasabi (Source: Steamy Kitchen)

This is a Japanese vegetable. It’s main use is in making condiment for the popular Japanese food dishes of sushi and sashimi. Average cost of this vegetable is 160 USD per pound.

This vegetable has a spicy and pungent flavor. This is somewhat similar to that of a horseradish. There are a lot of difficulties encountered in growing this vegetable. Hence the high cost.

Yamashita Spinach

Yamashita Spinach are also grown in Japan only. Their cost is around $13 per pound. They have a sweet taste and the texture is delicate. This is a rare variety of spinach. Chefs and food enthusiasts adore it.

Also, read Purple tomatoes: history, development, health benefits, nutrients, and shelf life!

Enza Zaden Cocktail Tomato

Most expensive vegetables
Enza Zaden cocktail tomatoes (Source: Enza Zaden)

The Enza Zaden Cocktail Tomato is a very rare variety of tomatoes. But they are extremely flavorful. The flavor is sweet and tangy. And they require greenhouses to grow them. They are suitable for addition as an ingredient in salads and such food dishes. Their average retail price for one pound weight is USD 10.