Watermelon Juice (1)
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  • Food: Watermelon Juice
  • Writer: Nicolas Wilson
  • Content-Type: Food Blog

I made a pitcher of delicious, refreshing watermelon juice to keep me hydrated as I packed up my house yesterday evening.

It transported me back to San Pedro Island, where earlier this month I sipped in the shade of a palm tree.

We took a leisurely walk down the beach from Sunbreeze to Estel’s, where we enjoyed a leisurely, traditional Belizean breakfast of scrambled eggs, refried black beans, and fry jacks, replete with watermelon juice. It was a great start to a fantastic day.

How to Make It?

Extracting watermelon juice is a breeze. A blender is all you need instead of an expensive juicer.

Scoop the watermelon into the blender, pulse for 30 seconds, and voila! You’ve successfully prepared.

Straight from the blender, take a sip of your juice. You don’t have to stretch it if you like it as is.

Pour the juice through a fine-mesh sieve into a pitcher if your watermelon has seeds in it or if you want it to be less pulpy. Easy!

Give your juice a twirl with a spoon if it separates as it sits. If you want to add a touch of tequila or white rum, go ahead… I can attest to the fact that this is an excellent suggestion.

Nutritional Values of Watermelon Juice

Watermelon Juice yum (1)
Food: Watermelon Juice (Source: The Kitchen)

Watermelon juice is, as you might think, beneficial to your health. It contains a lot of vitamins A, C, and potassium. It’s around 92 percent water, so it’ll keep you hydrated for a long time (nutrition source).

I felt my juice was sweet enough without the sugar, but I added a squeeze of lime juice to give it a little more zing.

Watermelon Juice

Time to Prepare: 10 minutes

10 minutes in total

In a blender, you can prepare refreshing, naturally sweet juice in no time. The amount of juice produced depends on the size of the watermelon, but my 6.5-pound watermelon gave about 5 cups.


  • 1 small sweet watermelon (a 6-pounder will do)
  • 1 small lime, juiced (optional)


Watermelon Juice yummy (1)
Food: Watermelon Juice (Source: The Kitchen)
  1. Watermelon should be cut in half. Scoop pieces of juicy watermelon into the blender with a large spoon. Remove the rind and discard it.
  2. Using a blender, crush the watermelon until it is completely smooth. It shouldn’t take more than a minute to complete this task. Squeeze the juice of one small lime into the blender and process for a few seconds for added flavor.
  3. Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer into a pitcher if your watermelon is particularly pulpy or seeded. If you don’t have any, simply pour them into ice-filled cups. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days if covered. Over time, the juice will separate; mix it with a spoon to recombine it.


  • Your juice will only be as excellent as the watermelon you use, so go to a farmer’s market or health shop and pick out a decent one.
  • You can use the same procedure to produce cantaloupe juice!