Mackerel fish

Mackerel fish is an oily fish that is delicious and nutritious. It has a lot of health benefits. But it runs the risk of depletion due to overfishing. This healthiest seafood option faces a threat of extinction. There is a call for regulations to stop high scale commercial fishing and subsidies for it. What are the health benefits of this fish?

Mackerel fish and its depletion

Climate change and overfishing had led to depletion of ocean fish. Oily fish such as mackerel fish is also part of the seafoods that could face extinction. Experts have called for urgent action to stop large scale commercial fishing and the subsidies that these activities get.

Mackerel is an oily fish that comes loaded with a lot of health benefits.

Mackerel fish
Mackerel fish (Source: Big Basket)

Health benefits

Rich in omega 3 fatty acids

Mackerel is packed with the healthy omega 3 fatty acids. Most people in the world are deficient in this nutrient. This deficiency could lead to heart issues and atherosclerosis. And consumption of these oily fish could help overcome the deficiency. Because the fish has 2991 mg of the fatty acids in one fillet. This implies, the amount is 2670 mg in 100 g. This is more than that in other oily fish and mackerel is also relatively a cheap fish to buy.

Omega 3 fatty acids fight body inflammation. They prevent chronic diseases and improve cardiovascular health. They reduce cardiac accidents and deaths due to it.

Mackerel fish
Roasted Mackerel fish (Source: Feast with Safiya)

Vitamin B12

Deficiency of this vitamin is common in elderly people and those on vegetarian or vegan diets. It can manifest as weakness, anemia and neurological issues. Mackerel is loaded with this vitamin. A fillet can provide 279% of the daily needs of this vital nutrient.

Protein rich

A regular fillet of this oily fish gives 20.8 g of protein. This protein is also complete and provides the body with all nine essential amino acids. Unlike cod and haddock, the protein in mackerel is lesser. But it has more calories. If high protein intake is the aim, then opt for leaner sources of protein.

Mercury levels low

Seafoods are good but the issue could be heavy metal contamination. Mercury levels in them could be high and lead to chronic poisoning. But luckily, Atlantic mackerel has the least risk of mercury contamination. However, Spanish and King mackerel might have more mercury in them.

Mackerel fish
Mackerel fish crunchy (Source: Licious)

High in selenium

A small fillet of this fish gives 71% of the daily needs of selenium for an adult. Selenium is a vital mineral that boosts immune system, is an antioxidant, aids in DNA production, and has a role in thyroid hormone regulation. It reduces risk of cardiovascular disease. It also binds mercury.

Vitamin D rich

Deficiency of this vitamin is common in temperate region and during winters. This fish has high levels of vitamin D and can reduce the risk of deficiency and its consequent problems on bones and teeth. New research reveals that this vitamin can also fight cancer and inflammation.

Also, read Anchovies: A to Z about these edible seawater fish!

Moreover, the nutritional qualities of this fish can improve cognitive function. It also lowers triglycerides in the blood and indirectly reduces risk of heart ailments. It also has vitamin B1, B2, B3, E, B5, K, and A. Additionally, it has phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper, zinc, calcium, and manganese.