Milo Manheim
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In the Disney films Zombies and Zombies 2, Milo Manheim played the part of Zed.

The role made him a household name, and Milo also participated in the program Dancing with the Stars, finishing in second place. Milo is well recognized for his charm, as well as his amazing physique and lean body mass.

Keep reading if you’re interested in learning more about how Milo Manheim developed his physique as well as what his diet and exercise regimen entails.

Milo Manheim Body Stats

Height 6 ft 2 inch
Weight 75 kg
Age 19 years
Chest 42 inch
Waist 32 inch
Biceps 15 inch

Milo Manheim’s Exercise Program

Milo Manheim
Milo Manheim Diet Plan, Workout Routine, Exercise, Body Measurements

Actor Milo Manheim is well-known for his performance in zombie films. He portrayed a football-playing student there, and there was humor, dance, romance, and drama.

The same is true of his most recent film, Zombies 2, which is all about him embracing romance, dancing, and a little drama. Milo worked out a lot to get in shape for the second movie, so let’s see what he did to prepare for Zombies 2.

As I previously said, Milo competed on Dancing With the Stars in 2018, finishing in second place.

Milo performed a lot of dancing during that time; he claimed in numerous interviews that they used to train for the event for between 6 and 12 hours each day. Milo also added that being in shape for the Zombies 2 movie did help.

Milo also developed fantastic abs throughout the Dancing With Stars training, which he also displayed on his Instagram page.

Additionally, you may watch Milo’s interview with Cheddar, in which he discusses the program and the motion picture Zombies 2.

In that interview, Milo admitted that dancing with celebrities did teach him certain fundamental dance skills and work ethics, which helped him master a lot of hip-hop moves for Zombies 2.

Milo mentioned in that interview that he spent between six and twelve hours a day practicing ballroom dancing with his partner Whitney.

Milo doesn’t work out in the gym other than that, but he occasionally enjoys trying new activities like swimming, hanging out, doing gymnastics, dancing, playing sports, etc.

He does not have a gym addiction; there is no information to support the possibility that Milo works out at home.

Therefore, if you want to have a body like Milo, simply keep active and engage in some sort of exercise, such as running, yoga, dancing, etc.

Keep yourself as busy and healthy as you can, and over time you will get that ripped, lean body form. To acquire a figure like Milo Manheim, however, you can visit the gym and perform aerobic exercises in addition to the typical bodybuilding program.

The Milo Manheim exercise program comes to an end here.

The Milo Manheim Diet Plan

There isn’t a diet guide that can describe Milo’s daily diet. He must be eating good food and occasionally indulging in other delights because he is a teenager and is that active throughout the day.

Simply concentrate on consuming protein every three hours and include some carbs, vitamins, fiber, and healthy fats in your diet if you want to look as good as him.

Additionally, consume a lot of water throughout the day; if you’d like, you might adhere to this food regimen to achieve Milo’s physique.

Milo Manheim is made up of:


  • Toast
  • Bacon
  • Eggs


  • Protein smoothie


  • Chicken/turkey/salmon
  • Rice
  • Veggies

Evening Snack

  • Fruits salad


  • Steak/chicken/turkey
  • Veggies
  • Green salad

Cheat Meal

  • Keep it less than twice a week.
  • Try to eat in moderation.

That’s all for the Milo Manheim diet plan.