Palm wine

Sap of the various palm trees yields palm wine after fermentation. Common in several African and Asian countries, it is a drink enjoyed by people over the centuries. How much of nutrition it provides per serving? Is it healthy to have it occasionally?

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What exactly is Palm wine?

Palm wine is a drink or beverage that comes from the sap of palm trees. When the sap is fresh, it is sweet. But after keeping out at room temperature for few hours, it ferments to produce an alcohol. This alcohol is the palm wine. This is a refreshing and flavorful drink that people in the African and some Asian nations enjoy since ancient times.

Palm wine
Getting palm wine from the tree (Source: Pinterest)

The drink is opaque with whitish or creamish color. Taste is slightly sweet. Fresh ones have a sweet smell. Kept in cold area it remains so for two days. But after that, it begins to ferment and turn into alcohol or palm wine. There are production areas for this wine in Ghana, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Angola, Sierra Leone, Liberia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and some Asian world countries.

In Africa, sellers serve it in calabash (gourd) and people have it with meals. They serve it as a sign of hospitality during celebratory parties. The practice probably originated from Egypt and ancient Greece.

Nutritional facts

This wine from palm trees has high levels of antioxidants. It is rich in minerals and vitamins. It has vitamins A, C, E and B complex. Besides these, the drink contains a lot of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, etc.

Palm wine
Palm wine (Source: Niyis UK)

It is high in antioxidants. It has saponin which has antiviral action. Other phytochemicals in it include tannin, pectin, quinine, etc. Hence people over the centuries use it for the purpose of traditional medicine to cure various diseases including chicken pox, measles, malaria and loose motions with or without blood.

Health benefits

Its antioxidants mop up the unstable free radicals that damage cells and lead to deadly diseases such as cancer. Hence this sap can reduce risk of cellular damage and cancer. The high vitamin C levels of this drink can boost the immune system, help wound healing and protect body from infection. Moreover, it has vitamin A that are good for the protection of eyes and clear vision.

The B complex in this sap can boost energy and assist in several metabolic processes of the body. The vitamin E protects skin and prevents it from damage from the sun. The high amounts of potassium in this drink can control blood pressure and protect the heart.

Palm wine
Palm wine (Source: Niyis UK)

Magnesium protects bones and makes them stronger. It prevents osteoporosis. Similarly calcium in it fights weak bones and makes bones and teeth stronger.

Phosphorus content helps in cell and tissue repair. It has a role in reduction of fever. The drink contains pyrogallol that has anti-inflammatory properties. It aids digestion and can be used to treat dysentery, diarrhoea (it has the astringent tannin in it) and malaria (its contains quinine in it).

Also, read A new study: Even moderate alcohol drinking makes brain age faster!

Digestive process improves. Its pectin binds to water and toxins and expels them out. Additionally, it overcomes bloating and constipation. The saponin in it has antiviral properties.

Have it but in moderation.