The natural wellness guys believe that addition of probiotic rich foods and supplements to your daily diet can assist weight loss. But there is not enough evidence to support this belief. Nonetheless, here are six ways in which these foods and supplements can promote weight loss.
Probiotic rich foods and supplements and weight loss
The key to shedding those extra pounds is a healthy wholesome diet with exercise regime and an adequate sleep. Moreover, stress management also holds a role in this. But there are many who believe that probiotic rich foods and supplements do play a crucial role in it. However, the evidence to support this hypothesis is lacking. Studies on use of probiotic supplements and weight loss have yielded variable outcomes. And even if the response was positive, the difference in weight loss in treated and control group was very small.
There are some natural wellness people who carry the belief that it is the imbalance of healthy vs bad bacteria in the gut that leads to weight gain. And this occurs due to a poor diet or overuse of antibiotics. And hence correction of this imbalance by means of probiotic rich foods and supplements can aid in shedding the extra fat. What is the mechanism of action of these on weight loss?
Six ways probiotics assist weight loss
The probiotics either in natural or supplements form can act in the following six ways to help a slimmer lose weight.
Improvement in satiety
The hormone GLP -1 can reduce appetite. And this supposedly rises with use of probiotic foods or supplements containing it. Moreover, this hormone also decreases fats and burns calories and body fats.
Reduction of body fats
The probiotics have substances that increase the level of a special protein (ANGPTL4) that minimizes the storage of fats. Thus, body fats and hence body weight comes down.
Reduction of body inflammation
Probiotics bring about modulation of inflammation of the body. They decrease inflammation in the digestive tract and improve digestion. Constipation chances decrease. This helps reduce weight. Because studies have revealed that low grade inflammation leads to impaired body metabolism and weight gain.
Energy metabolism
When the digestive tract is better, metabolism of the body is better. There is increased energy. And this translates into greater physical activity and hence weight reduction.
Blood Glucose modulation
Probiotics have the potential to reduce the blood glucose levels. Hence the load on the liver drops. There is no need to convert blood glucose into fats in the liver. And this leads to lowering of body fats levels. Hence weight is maintained and not gained.
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Probiotics use causes bodyweight homeostasis. This implies that it might not necessarily reduce weight but it will prevent gain in weight at times when you are unable to exercise to lose it. It also prevents weight gain that comes with certain medications.
Moreover, probiotics assist to boost body immunity. This is another reason to consume them on a regular basis.