
Tiredness is a symptom that no one wants in their lives. A survey showed that nearly two out of three women in the UK wake up feeling tired despite good sleep. And in most of these, it affects their daily activities. Menstrual times worsen it. Here are five ways to overcome it.

Tiredness and women in the UK

There are many people in the world who feel tired despite sleeping at night. They wake up in the morning after sleep but continue to feel sleepy throughout the day. This tired feeling affects their daily routines.

A YouGov survey showed that two-thirds of women in the UK feel tired. Whereas only half of men feel so in the morning. And 81% of these women have such severe fatigue that it affects their day to day work chores. They are unable to carry their duties well due to this. The problems worsen during menstruation.

Tired feeling in morning (Source: Calm Clinic)

Essity survey revealed that 69% of women have disturbed sleep during their periods. British women lose on an average of five months of sleep in their lifetime due to menstrual sleep disturbances.

How to tackle fatigue?

Consultant dietitian Jenaed Brodell explains five ways to overcome fatigue and enjoy life.

Do movements and exercises daily

Exercises can help one to overcome tiredness. Keeping active has other health benefits too. It can improve concentration, lead to release of happy endorphins and hormones and downregulating stress. Jenaed says:

“Find the form of exercise that you enjoy the most so you’re more likely to stick with it and reap all the benefits,”

Find time for self

This is a must. It might sound difficult with a family. But it will do a lot of good to you and hence your family indirectly too. When tiredness is at its peak such as with periods, this time for yourself is more important.

Tiredness (Source: Pinterest)

Even ten minutes in the morning can make you feel good and energized. Jenaed elaborates:

Whether it’s meditation, journalling or perhaps reading a book, find what makes you feel your best,”

Good sleep habits

A person lies down at night but not fall asleep due to various reasons. Try to avoid this be following steps:

-Try to not have screen time in the last half an hour before sleep.

-avoid alcohol close to sleep time.

-avoid stimulating drinks prior to sleep.

Jenaed says:

“Our circadian rhythm loves routine, so keeping to the same sleeping schedule can help you feel more energised during the day and make you sleepy in the evening, preparing you for a deep and refreshing sleep, giving you a spring in your step the following morning,”

Use caffeinated drinks properly

Caffeine, in many, helps to improve alertness and focus. But have it just before the work that needs the most concentration. Avoid these drinks before sleep. Have it in earlier parts of the day.

Magnesium rich foods overcome tired feelings (Source: Healthify me)

Caffeine is a stimulant and will not allow you to sleep soon. Moreover, it has a diuretic action. That means even if you fall asleep you will be woken in between to pass urine.

Have a balanced and wholesome diet

Foods should be adequate and healthy for proper sleep and hence for energy the next day morning. Certain foods can enhance sleep. Try to incorporate them in your diet. Increase intake of magnesium and vitamin B complex foods in your diet. These increase concentration of melatonin which induces a good night’s sleep.

Read here: A new German study states that intermittent fasting elevates mood and reduces fatigue

Green leaves have a lot of magnesium. And B complex vitamins are found in fish, eggs, legumes etc. Have them in ample in your daily diet. Jenaed adds:

“Where energy is the issue, it’s better to eat small meals and snacks every few hours than three large meals a day,”

Despite above corrective measures, if you still feel tired, see your GP to rule out underlying causes of it.