Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin for the body. Their requirements are small but nonetheless, their deficiency can lead to a lot of health issues. Deficiency of this micronutrient is common in vegetarian since this vitamin is profoundly present in animal foods. While plant foods have less of it. Which are the rich vegetarian sources of this vitamin? Plant eaters can incorporate them in their daily diet to prevent and overcome deficiency.
Vitamin B12 and its deficiency
Vitamin B12 is an essential micronutrient that the human body needs. It is a water soluble vitamin that helps in red blood cells formation and in DNA synthesis. Moreover, it boosts metabolism.
The other name of this vitamin is cobalmin. Its deficiency leads to a lot of symptoms. These include weakness, lethargy, fatigue, poor balance, breathlessness, numbness, and memory affection. There might be associated anemia or low blood hemoglobin and pallor. Some experience tingling of feet.

There could be headaches and depressive symptoms. Intestinal symptoms such as nausea, bloating, constipation are also seen. Muscle cramps and erectile dysfunction can also occur.
To diagnose B12 deficiency, one needs to carry out a blood test. The vitamin is assayed in the blood. Any value above 300 pg/ml is normal. And when the blood levels estimated are between 200 to 300 pg/ml, they are borderline. When the blood levels drop below 200 pg/ml, it is a clear-cut case of B12 deficiency. This would require medical treatment and B12 supplements or injection.
Vegans and vegetarians are at a higher risk of getting B12 deficiency since this micronutrient is mostly present in large amounts in poultry, fish and meat products. Plant foods have lesser amounts of this vitamin. Nonetheless, some plant sources contain significant amount of this vitamin. If vegans and vegetarians include these plant foods in their daily diet, their chances of getting B12 deficiency is lessened.
5 vegetarian sources of B12
Daily requirements of this vitamin is 1.5 micrograms in an adult.

As per USDA, milk is a good source of this vitamin. It can provide 8% of the daily requirement of it. 100 grams of 1% fat milk has 0.5 micrograms of B12. For vegans, soya milk is a good alternative to procure this vitamin.
This dairy product has good amounts of B12 in it. 100 g of it contains 12% of the daily requirements of B12. If you are not fond of milk and it’s taste, yoghurt is a good alternative to have vitamin B12.
Nutritional yeast
This is a powerhouse of B12. It is inactivated yeast that provides umami flavor to foods and has a lot of health benefits.
Fortified cereals
These breakfast cereals that are commercially available are fortified with this vitamin and other vitamins. Consuming them are healthy and provides us with B12. Add milk to them and your daily requirements are met with easily.

Also, read Dairy milk vs plant based milks: which is the healthiest?
This has fair amounts of vitamin B12. It can provide 3% of the daily requirements of this vitamin easily.
Incorporate these foods in your daily diet to avoid and overcome vitamin B12 deficiency.