Carly Thornton
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Who Is Carly Thornton?

British fitness model, stage instructor, and IFBB Pro competitor Carly Thornton.

Carly won the Arnold Classic Europe in 2015, earning her Pro Card in the process. Her accomplishment makes her the first woman from the UK to win the Women’s Physique category.

Early Life of Carly Thornton

Carly’s life before fitness, however, was very different from how it is today. Carly Thornton struggled with low self-esteem in her early 20s and used alcohol to help her feel better.

She was also overweight and avoided exercise. Here is her account:

Body Measurements of Carly Thornton

Full Name: Carly Thornton
HEIGHT: 5’6″ (167.5cm)
WEIGHT: 125 – 135lbs (56.7 – 61.2kg)
PROFESSION: Fitness Model, IFBB Pro Competitor, Stage Posing Coach, Online Mentor, Entrepreneur
ERA: 2010

We might forget ourselves in the daily grind, so it’s crucial to occasionally recall that spending time with “you” is just as important as spending time with others.


  • Fitness Model
  • IFBB Pro Competitor
  • Stage Posing Coach
  • Online Mentor
  • Entrepreneur

History Of Carly’s Contests


Arnold Classic Europe, Women’s Physique, 1st place – Pro Card Won


  • Toronto Pro Supershow, IFBB Women’s Physique, 8th place
  • Vancouver Pro, IFBB Women’s Physique, 6th place

Biography (Early Life)

Issues With Weight And Self-esteem

Carly Thornton was formerly quite insecure and struggled with her body image, even though she is now renowned as a fitness model and an inspiration for others.

She had low self-esteem and was overweight in her late teens and early twenties. Her poor eating habits took a toll on her, harming her both physically and mentally. As Carly put it

“Before turning 21 years old, I was not very active and, in retrospect, was rather unhealthy. I disguised my extremely low self-esteem beneath my outgoing attitude.

I like going out with my pals, but occasionally I backed out at the last minute because I just didn’t feel confident enough.

Making A Change

Carly claims that although it sounds corny, she simply decided “enough is enough” one day after waking up. She decided to give up her bad habits and join a gym to reduce weight.

But the change process took a while.

Carly found that starting was the most difficult step. She had never exercised before and used to “detest” weightlifting. She first only practiced cardio because she was afraid of the weights.

Let’s face it, the weight room is so frightening when you first start going to the gym, and you worry that everyone will make fun of you.

Fitness Improvement

Carly Thornton

Carly began lifting weights as she grew more at ease at the gym.

She began reading about nutrition and health issues at the same time to expand her understanding of a balanced diet.

To advance her success, she also explored various training methods, including those involving weights.

Carly’s body and demeanor both started to change as a result of the process. She grew considerably more self-assured and extroverted.

Carly’s Fitness And Modeling Shows

Carly’s gains at the gym soon marked the start of her fitness career. She had five years of training and changed. Around this period, she developed an interest in fitness competitions, as she explained:

“After around six years, I entered and won my first show! I quickly caught the competitive bug because I enjoyed being on stage and the commitment and rigid routine that went along with it.

Carly was interested in pursuing a career as a fitness model after winning her first competition.

She got in touch with magazines and agencies to secure a deal that would boost her reputation in the field. Unfortunately, the beginning of the process wasn’t without difficulty.

Being Rejected And Then Becoming The Top Model In The UK

Carly was first repeatedly turned down by modeling agencies. Carly was told by many of them that they weren’t looking for her. Carly persisted, though. She was right; she had confidence that, with time, she would achieve her objectives.

After months of trying in vain to break into the modeling industry, Carly finally found a modeling agency that hired her.

Things only moved up and upward from that point. Carly’s reputation in the fitness business quickly gained popularity. She went on to become the UK model with the most publications.

I lost count of the number of times that agencies rejected me because they felt I lacked the “proper” look, was too little, or was too attractive.

Despite this, I never gave up. When you have a desire, you must persist in pursuing it until it becomes a reality. You can realize your goals if you can visualize them.

Becoming A Pro

Carly went on to complete another of her key objectives in 2015 by receiving her IFBB Pro Card.

She entered the IFBB circuit after taking first place at the Arnold Classic Europe after 8 years of arduous training.

Carly has competed as a fitness model, then a figure athlete, before finding success as a Women’s Physique competitor later in her career. Since then, she has kept on competing in the Women’s Physique division.

Career Plans For Carly

Carly has expanded her knowledge of various training and dieting approaches as a result of the numerous changes she has made to her body and career over the years, enabling her to master her figure.

She has a coaching qualification and is also a stage prep trainer. She now applies her expertise to assist others in achieving their objectives. Whether it be to gain a healthier body or win a contest.

“From a girl who didn’t like herself very much and detested exercise, I now adore leading a healthy lifestyle because I understand how it can enhance and influence your entire way of life. I’m ecstatic to be able to assist people all over the world.

Training (Workout)

Carly Thornton

Managing Rest And Exercise

Carly trains six days a week on average, and sometimes seven if she has the time. She works out independently as well as five to six times a week with her clients. Carly claims she could work out even more and doesn’t find this difficult.

Taking a day off from training is one of the things that Carly finds most difficult. She does, however, acknowledge that occasionally this can hinder her development. She will take a day off when she thinks her body demands it because of this.

Additionally, Carly makes sure she gets at least 8 hours of sleep each night. She can complete the day and her demanding workout regimen thanks to this.

Favorite Workouts

Carly has employed a variety of activities to sculpt and shape her body throughout the years.

She claims that the exercises that have aided her the most are:

  • Shoulder Press
  • Wide Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Lunges

Carly’s Exercise Program

  • 1st Day: Legs
  • 2nd Day: HITT 20 mins and Abs
  • 3rd Day: Shoulders and Back
  • 4th Day: Slow/Moderate Cardio 45 mins and Abs
  • 5th Day: Legs with more emphasis on Glutes
  • 6th Day: Workout of Choice/Rest
  • 7th Day: Total Rest Day

Nutrition (Diet Plan)

Carly Thornton eats five to six wholesome meals a day, six days a week. She indulges in whatever her body desires one day a week.

Carly will tighten up her diet even more if she is preparing for an event. If she is training for a competition, she might even completely stop eating “cheat meals.”

Her menu for the day is as follows:

Carly’s Food Schedule

  • 1st Meal: Oats, Eggs, and 1 tbsp Omega-3 Fish Oil
  • 2nd Meal: Protein Shake and a Handful of Nuts
  • 3rd Meal: Turkey Meatloaf, Sweet Potato, and Vegetables
  • 4th Meal: Egg White Omelette, Salad, and Mixed Roasted Seeds
  • 5th Meal: Protein Shake and 1 tbsp Omega-3 Fish Oil

Influences And Idols

Many professional fitness athletes inspire Carly Thornton. They consist of:

  • Mindi Smith
  • Rob Riches
  • Lee Priest

Mindi Smith is “beautiful not just on the exterior but also stunning on the inside,” in Carly’s opinion.

Carly respects Rob’s expertise and eagerness to assist others with his fitness tips.

Last but not least, Mindi claims that Lee Priest has always been her favorite bodybuilder due to both his amazing physique and humble demeanor.

What Carly Thornton Can Teach Us?

If Carly has taught us anything, it’s to act if we want to change our lives for the better. One morning, Carly realized she no longer desired to be unwell and overweight.

To change her body and her life, she gave up her bad habits, joined a gym, and began eating healthier.

The experience of Carly serves as a lesson to not count on reaching your objectives quickly. The path to achievement is frequently long and fraught with challenges. Aim for modest daily successes and see how your life changes over time.