Leaky gut syndrome

The leaky gut syndrome has increased intestinal permeability. Studies have revealed that it has likely link with chronic and autoimmune diseases of the body. What is this condition? What foods are best for it? Which foods might worsen it?

Leaky gut syndrome

The intestinal wall is lined by endothelial cells. These form tight connections between them so that only water, ions, and certain nutrients can pass through.

But when this intestinal permeability increases due to any reason, it can cause undigested food particles, waste, bacteria, and toxins to also get absorbed.

This is bad for health and has been associated with several chronic diseases and autoimmune diseases of the body such as diabetes, celiac disease, food intolerances, skin conditions, brain fog, chronic fatigue, etc.

The condition triggers a lot of body inflammation and consequent immune reaction. All this together is the leaky gut syndrome.

Leaky gut syndrome
Gluten-free and gluten-rich foods (Source: Healthy family project)

One should remember that this is a proposed condition and has not been established with concrete evidence.

Hence mainstream doctors refrain from using this term in their daily practice. It is not certain whether it results from chronic diseases or causes them.

Foods that can improve this condition

In this condition, there is bacterial imbalance and impaired digestive health. There are a lot of inflammatory markers in the blood.

Therefore, to bring this under control, food therapy aims to increase the healthy bacteria in the gut.

To achieve this, one must eat fermented foods such as kimchi, tempeh, sauerkraut, and miso (paste and soup). Moreover, vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, carrots, kale, spinach, beetroot, mushrooms, zucchini, and ginger also help. Root vegetables such as turnips, potatoes, and yams are also good in this condition.

Leaky gut syndrome
Fermented foods (Source: Heart Foundation)

Sprouted seeds of chia, flax, and sunflower are also beneficial. All types of fruits are excellent to overcome and relieve this condition. Gluten in foods tends to worsen the condition.

Hence, patients with this condition should opt for gluten-free grains such as amaranth, buckwheat, rice, maize, and teff. Consumption of healthy fats from nuts, seeds, and oily fish also provides an improvement in this condition.

Herbs, spices, and lean meat are good for it. Bone broths and soups are healthy and also cultured dairy products such as kefir, buttermilk, and yogurt,

Foods to avoid

Certain foods can increase inflammation and worsen the condition. These are also the ones that have gluten or cause an increase in the unhealthy bacteria in the gut.

Therefore, patients with leaky gut syndrome should avoid wheat, pasta, noodles, and couscous. Barley, rye, oats, bulgur, and triticale also cause more harm. Processed meat is also bad and so are baked food items such as cakes, muffins, and cookies.

Leaky gut syndrome
Foods to avoid in leaky gut syndrome (Source: First cry parenting)

Also, read Beetroot juice: benefits for heart, liver, gut, and skin!

Unhealthy snacks and junk foods such as burgers, and finger chips. candy bars and sugary cereals also can cause deterioration. Dairy foods, refined oils, and artificial sweeteners also are harmful to these patients.

Alcohol, sugary carbonated drinks, and other sugary beverages are also not healthy. Sauces and salad dressings can also harm.