Psoriatic flare-up

Psoriasis is a psychosomatic disease. It has flare-ups and remissions. Patients say that certain foods worsen their state and cause a flare-up. Which are these foods leading to a psoriatic flare-up and hence should be avoided?

Psoriatic flare-up and foods

Psoriasis is a psychosomatic disorder. It worsens with emotional upheavals. There is no clear cut association between foods and psoriasis. But psoriatic patients say that eating certain foods cause worsening of their symptoms. These foods cause a psoriatic flare-up in them.

These foods might not be the same for all those suffering from psoriasis. But there are some common triggers for their flare-ups. Jerry Bagel, dermatologist from Windsor Dermatology in East Windsor, New Jersey adds that though scientific proof is lacking, holding back on the worsening foods helps.

A 2017 survey of 1200 psoriatic patients showed that most had problems with alcohol, gluten and certain nightshade vegetables.

Foods worsening psoriasis

The National Psoriasis Foundation or NPF recommends avoiding inflammatory foods. The 8 most common flare-up foods are:

Psoriatic flare-up
Alcohol (Source: Nutrition facts)


It worsens the skin symptoms. Hence Jerry says:

“First and foremost, stop drinking,”

Chelsea Marie Warren, wellness coach from Oregon adds:

“Your psoriasis symptoms may worsen even if you’re a light to moderate alcohol user,”

Alcohol dilates the skin blood vessels and more T cells reach the skin to cause problems.

Processed foods

These foods are inflammatory and can worsen skin symptoms. These have high amounts of saturated fats and trans fats and sugars. All of these induce inflammation.

Red meat

It has arachidonic acid. Chelsea explains:

This type of fat can worsen psoriasis symptoms because it can easily be converted into inflammatory compounds,”

For same reason, avoid bacon, sausage and such processed meats.

Milk and milk products and eggs

These also have arachidonic acid. Jerry states:

Cow’s milk is one of the biggest culprits,”

It’s casein is also pro-inflammatory.

Psoriatic flare-up
Nightshade vegetables (Source: Dr. Axe)

Nightshade vegetables

These include bell peppers, white potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes etc. This is due to their solanine content. Jerry suggests:

Certain patients believe that if you avoid these vegetables, you decrease your symptoms,”

“I’m not so sure about that, but I’m not opposed to people trying it.”

Citrus fruits

These can cause flare-up in these patients. They are a common allergen. Avoid them for benefits.

Also, read Do anti-inflammatory foods help in relief of psoriasis?


Wheat, rye and barley have this component in them. Some have problems with gluten and reducing intake of these grains improves symptoms.

If you feel that you have problems with these gluten rich foods, talk to your doctor. Your doctor would advise certain tests to rule out celiac disease and gluten intolerance.

Psoriatic flare-up
Gluten rich foods (Source: Pinterest)

Condiments and spices

Some people of psoriasis find that spices and condiments worsen their skin lesions. The worst in this group are paprika, pimento, cinnamon, curry, vinegar, Tabasco sauce, mayo, Worcestershire sauce, and ketchup. Avoid them if required.

Talk to your doctor on it and see to it that your elimination diet does not lead to nutritional deficiency.